2010 - 2014

Karyatids of the Erechtheion

The systematic conservation and restoration programme for the Karyatids (Ακρ. 15000, Ακρ. 15001, Ακρ. 15002, Ακρ. 15003, Ακρ. 15004) began in December, 2010 and lasted until 2014. In order not to subject the sculptures to the potential risks involved in an additional transfer to the Museum’s conservation laboratory, a solution of in-situ treatment in their exhibition space was selected. To this end, a working platform with adjustable dimensions and height was constructed in order to isolate one sculpture at a time during treatment. This approach was widely accepted, and internationally recognized by the International Institute of Conservation’s Keck Award. The conservation programme included documentation, removal of material from previous treatments, surface stabilisation and the cleaning of airborne contamination using laser technology, implemented in collaboration with the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) in Crete.


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