The following visitors are entitled to a reduced admission fee:
1. Children and young people aged between 6 and 25 years, from non-EU countries, upon presentation of their passport for verification of their age and country of origin.
2. Senior citizens over 65 from Greece or other EU member-states, upon presentation of their ID card or passport for verification of their age and country of origin.
3. Escorting teachers of primary/secondary/higher education school/institution visits of non-EU countries.
The following visitors are entitled to free admission:
1. Children and young people up to the age of 25, from EU member-states, upon presentation of their ID card or passport for verification of their age and country of origin.
2. Children up to the age of 5, from non-EU countries, upon presentation of their passport for verification of their age and country of origin.
3. Trainees over 25 years, being in secondary education (evening schools, second-chance schools) and in vocational schools from EU member-states and countries of the European Economic Area, upon presentation of attendance certificate bearing evidence of its duration.
4. Escorting teachers and students during educational visits of schools and institutions of primary, secondary and tertiary education from EU member-states and countries of the European Economic Area.
5. Greek citizens entitled to Social Solidarity Income and members dependent on them, upon presentation of their ID card and certificate of free entry based on eligibility to the program showing the duration, as well as a valid document certifying dependent members.
6. Greek unemployed citizens upon presentation of their ID card and valid unemployment card or recent renewal of it.
7. Persons with disabilities and one escort (only in the case of 67% disability), irrespective of the country of origin, upon presentation of their ID card or passport and Disability Certificate issued by the Single Body of Social Insurance (decision of the Disability Certification Center-KEPA) for Greek citizens or similar certificates issued by a corresponding authorized foreign body.
8. Greek parents of families with many children, the children being up to the age of 25 and irrespective of age if they have disabilities, upon presentation of their ID card and a valid certificate of a large family status by the Greek Supreme Confederation of large family parents and the Disability Certificate (issued by the Disability Certification Center).
9. Greek parents of families with three children, the children being up to the age of 25 and irrespective of age if they have disabilities, upon presentation of their ID card and a valid family status certificate issued by the Municipality and the Disability Certificate (issued by the Disability Certification Center).
10. Greek single parent families with children up to the age of 25 and irrespective of age if they have disabilities, upon presentation of their ID card and a valid family status certificate issued by the Municipality and the Disability Certificate (issued by the Disability Certification Center).
11. Greek citizens performing their military service, with valid military service identification card.
12. Official guests of the Greek State, after request of the competent Ministry, Hellenic Parliament or Presidency of the Hellenic Republic.
13. Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), upon presentation of their ID card or passport and their valid membership card.
14. Active employees of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, the Hellenic Organization of Cultural Resources Development (H.O.C.RE.D.), the Acropolis Museum and the Kanellopoulos Museum, upon presentation of their service ID card.
15. Scientists licensed for purposes of photographing, studying, designing or publishing antiquities, upon presentation of the relevant license.
16. Members of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece, upon presentation of their valid membership card.
17. Greek tourist guides, upon presentation of their professional ID card and the students of the Tourist Guide Schools of the Ministry of Tourism, upon presentation of their student ID card.
18. Journalists, upon presentation of a valid journalist ID card.
19. Holders of a three-year Free Entry Pass issued by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, upon presentation of their valid pass.
20. Members of the Greek Parliament.
21. Members of the “Friends of the Acropolis” (EFA), upon presentation of their valid membership card.
22. Professors of Archaeology, upon presentation of their valid service ID card.