The figurine was found southeast of the Parthenon in 1888. A young man is riding a dolphin, holding on its dorsal fin with his left hand. The opposing movement of the boy and the cetacean renders naturalism and intensity on the depiction of their sea travel. The curvy lower surface of the dolphin would be fitted on the body of a bronze vessel, a lebes or krater or even the handle of an oinochoe.
The dolphin, the smartest and friendliest of sea mammals toward humans, held a special place in the life and art of Greek seafarers. The subject of a young man represented on a dolphin is beloved in ancient Greek art, as it is associated with myths of men rescued by dolphins during their adventures at sea. The famous poet and guitar player Arion was rescued by a dolphin when the sailors of the ship he embarked to go to Corinth through him overboard so they could steal his money. After his rescue he dedicated in Cape Tainarum a small, bronze statue of a dolphin carrying a man on its back. The myth of Taras, the first settler of Taranto, the Spartan colony in Southern Italy, is very similar. Taras, Poseidon's son, after being shipwrecked, was saved by a dolphin and the coins of his city depict him riding it.
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