Inventory number
Ακρ. 20008
Pheidias' workshop
Architectural sculpture
Classical Period
445-440 BC
Height: 1.339 m
Length: 1.412 m
Width: 0.139 m
Marble from Penteli
Parthenon Gallery
On metope 9 Apollo draped in a long himation that billows behind him tries with his bending leg to immobilise a Giant so that he can slay him. The Giant with an animal’s skin hanging over his back seeks to protect himself with the club he holds in his raised hand. The most famous combat Apollo had during the Gigantomachy was the one against the Giant Ephialtes. Herakles came to Apollo’s aid as Ephialtes would be defeated only with the help of a mortal and while Apollo stroke the Giant’s left eye, Herakles aimed at his right one.
The fourteen metopes decorating the east side of the Parthenon represent the Gigantomachy, the battle between the Olympian gods and the Giants, in which goddess Athena played a leading role.
Each metope on the east side depicts two figures, apart from metopes 4 and 11 that include three figures, and metopes 5, 7, 10 and 14 that show one figure and a chariot. The severe damage of the metopes' surface has made the secure identification of the figures very difficult. The figures are recognised with the help of mythological, literary and iconographic sources. The damages were provoked mainly by intentional hammering perhaps during the conversion of the Parthenon into a Christian church.
The bombardment of the Parthenon by Francesco Morosini in 1687 did not affect the east metopes and their bad condition prevented their removal by Thomas Bruce, lord of Elgin. Between 1801 and 1804 when Greece was under Ottoman occupation, lord of Elgin forcibly detached a big part of the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon which ended up in the British Museum in London. Today all of the east metopes are in the Acropolis Museum. They were removed from the monument between 1987 and 1989 for their protection against air pollution and bad weather conditions.
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