26 August 2018

August Full Moon 2018

Under the majestic full moon of August, Sunday, 26 August, 2018, at 9 pm, at the Acropolis Museum, the City of Athens Philharmonic Orchestra will take Athenians and city-visitors on a musical journey to the nostalgic world of Greek cinema. Viewers can enjoy a rich program by the Philharmonic Orchestra, with works by great Greek composers from Greece’s most successful films. Τhe concert is organized by the City of Athens Culture, Sport & Youth Organization (OPANDA) in cooperation with the Acropolis Museum. Music director: Dimitris Michas

Useful information

  • The concert will take place in the Museum’s entrance courtyard with free admission.
  • Access: through the main entrance from Dionysiou Areopagitou street (near the “Acropolis” metro station).

On the day of the event, the Museum will remain open from 8 am until midnight, with free admission after 8 pm to the permanent exhibition halls. The second-floor restaurant and ground - floor café will follow the same hours of operation.

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