22 November 2014 - 22 November 2014

Figures in clay: Terracotta statuettes and the relief panels of the Acropolis Museum

Ancient coroplastic art – the modelling of terracotta figures – is a widely used art which allows for the production of replicates. Its remnants reflect the number of users throughout the ancient Greek world, and the many ancient visitors to the temples of the Acropolis. The figurines and relief panels in the Museum’s exhibition spaces make a distinct impression with their faded colours, variety, and often direct, frontal communication with the modern viewer. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the details, production techniques, and the research and dating methods used for these objects, as well as the fascinating world they reveal, together with the Museum’s Archaeologist-Hosts.


Greek: 1 p.m.

English: Saturday talks can also be given in English, upon email request ([email protected])

Duration: 50 minutes

Participation:  Limited to 30 visitors per session. For registration, please refer to the Information Desk at the Museum entrance on the same day. The gallery talk is free of charge. Only the admission fee to the permanent exhibition is required (5 euros). 

Meeting point: Information Desk


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