Miniature aryballos with spherical body that imitates a perfume vase. The aryballos base was probably made separately and hasn’t survived.
The vessel is in the form of a hoplite’s head with a Corinthian-type helmet. The intense facial features and detailing is rendered with engraving. The helmet is decorated by two rosettes and a band with parallel lines that runs along the face opening. Two lions laying down frame the aryballos spout which has replaced the helmet’s central crest. Incised vertical lines encircle the vessel’s rim.
De Ridder, A., Bronzes Trouvés sur l' Acropole d'Athènes, Paris, 1896, σελ. 86-87, εικ. 56-57, αρ.κατ. 250 Stais, V., Marbres et bronzes du Musée National, I, Αθήνα, 1910, σελ. 279 Καρούζου-Παπασπυρίδη, Σ., «Ανασκαφή Τάφων του Άργους», Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον 15 (1933-35), 1938, σελ. 51-52, εικ. 35 Βοκοτοπούλου, Ι., Αργυρά και χάλκινα έργα τέχνης, Αθήνα, 1997, σελ. 250, αρ.κατ. 120