Intact lekanis preserved with its circular base that has three spool shaped feet. Two movable handles, shaped like thin stalks ending in flower buds, are adjusted across from each other on top of the rim. The stalks pass through loops and fold upwards, while beneath each loop a naked man is depicted. He is Atlas buckling under the weight of the celestial dome he was supporting which is here replaced by the loops.
The vessel’s rim is decorated on the exterior with astragal and ovolo motif. A second, undecorated, lower band retains an inscription etched in the Attic alphabet, that states: ΙΠΠΥΛΟΣ ΑΝΕΘΕΚΕΝ ΤΑΘΕΝΑΙΑ meaning “Ippylos dedicated it to Athena”.
Wagner, C., Dedication Practices on the Athenian Acropolis, 8th to 4th centuries BC, University of Oxford, 1997, σελ. 167 υποσημ. 113