It belongs to the figurine of a woman and was found during the Acropolis excavation expeditions. The head tilts to the right and the face is ovoid with small eyes and heavy lids. The hair is parted in the middle and drawn back into a bun. Part of the face is covered with the woman’s himation. Preserved are traces of white slip and brown-red colour.
Casson, S., Brooke, D., Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum. Sculpture and Architectural Fragments, with a section upon the Terracottas, II, Cambridge, 1921, σελ. 396 Vlassopoulou, Chr., «Les figurines de l' Acropole d' Athènes. La collection du Musée de l' Acropole», στο A. Pasquier, V.L. Aravantinos (επιμ.), Tanagra: Mythe et archéologie. Musée du Louvre, Paris, 15 septembre 2003 - 5 janvier 2004, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, 5 février – 9 mai 2004, Paris, 2003, σελ. 160, αρ.κατ. 102