23 September 2016 - 25 September 2016

The destruction of the Acropolis from the Persians

The Museum presents a series of sculptures that display the scars of violent blows or fire damage from the tremendous catastrophe of the Acropolis from the Persians in 480 BC. The gallery talk ‘The destruction of the Acropolis from the Persians’ is taking place on the occasion of European Heritage Days 2016.  


Greek: Friday 23 September 2016, Saturday 24 September 2016 & Sunday 25 September 2016, every hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Participation: Limited to 30 visitors per session. For registration, please refer to the Information Desk at the Museum entrance on the same day. The gallery talk is free of charge. First-in first-served.

Meeting point: Information Desk

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