The goddess wears long chiton covered with her aegis without a central gorgoneion but with snakes along its hem. On her head she has an Attic-type helmet. She strides to the viewer’s right raising her hand in which she would have held a spear, while she would have had her shield in the other. Athena Promachos’ figurine may have been placed on base ΕΑΜ Χ 6948.
The source of inspiration for this representation of Athena must have been the pediment sculptures of the Old Temple on the Acropolis as well as the way that the goddess was depicted on the Panathenaic amphorae.
Studniczka, F., «Αγαλμάτια Αθηνάς εκ της των Αθηνών Ακροπόλεως», Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς 1887 (1887), σελ. 134-137, εικ. 1, αρ.κατ. 1 De Ridder, A., Bronzes Trouvés sur l' Acropole d'Athènes, Paris, 1896, σελ. 299-300, πίν. VIII, αρ.κατ. 780 Lamb, W., Greek and Roman Bronzes, London, 1929, σελ. 99 Niemeyer, H.G., Promachos: Untersuchungen zur Darstellung der bewaffneten Athena in archaischer Zeit, Waldsassen, 1960, σελ. 28, 31-32, 40 Niemeyer, H.G., «Attische Bronzestatuetten der spätarchaischen und frühklassischen Zeit», Antike Plastik 3, 1964, σελ. 19-20, εικ. 8 Herdejürgen, H., «Bronzestatuette der Athena: Bemerkungen zur Herkunft des archaischen Promachostypus», Antike Kunst 12, 1969, σελ. 107 Fuchs, W., Floren, J., Die griechische Plastik, I: Die geometrische und archaische Plastik, München, 1987, σελ. 305 Παντερμαλής, Δ., Ελευθεράτου, Σ., Βλασσοπούλου, Χ., Μουσείο Ακρόπολης. Οδηγός, Αθήνα, 2016, σελ. 162-163, εικ. 183