15 January 2017 - 31 March 2017

Portrait of Emperor Hadrian at the Acropolis Museum

The Acropolis Museum honors the anniversary of the 1900 years since the ascent to the throne of Emperor Hadrian, a friend and benefactor of Athens, with the presentation of an exquisite portrait of the Emperor found in Syngrou Avenue, and an interesting video, produced by the Museum, which showcases the Emperor’s immense building program concerning the city of Athens in the 2nd cent. AD. Hadrian’s work signifies the revival of Greek Letters and Science during the time of the Roman Empire.

The simple yet impressive presentation will be on display at the Museum ground floor from 15 January until 31 March 2017, daily during Museum opening times, with free admission to visitors.

Read more about the building program of the Emperor Hadrian.



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