28 March 2015 - 28 March 2015

Taming stone: Sculptors and builders at the Acropolis Museum

When did the Athenians decide to use stone for their buildings and art? What types of stones did they use and how did they “tame” its harsh nature? What has survived till today? Visitors will observe stone objects in the collection of the Museum and through their details, detect the stone chiselling tools used, the specialists in their use, and the techniques employed. The presentation will be enhanced by the Museum’s Workshop of ancient art and video projections of the Parthenon frieze.


Greek: 1 p.m.

English: Saturday talks can also be given in English, upon email request ([email protected])

Duration: 50 minutes

Participation:  Limited to 30 visitors per session. For registration, please refer to the Information Desk at the Museum entrance on the same day. The gallery talk is free of charge. Only the admission fee to the permanent exhibition is required (5 euros). 

Meeting point: Information Desk


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