Female figurine retrieved during the Acropolis excavation expeditions.
The woman leans on her right hand which rests on a pillar. Her frontal posture with her right leg crossing over the left is relaxed while she tilts her head slightly to the left gazing down. She wears chiton and himation. Her face is ovoid and the eyes big with heavy lids. The hair is worn in segments (melon coiffure) whereas the back of the head is covered with kekryphalos.
Winter, F., Die antiken Terrakotten. Die Typen der figürlichen Terrakotten, III, 2, Berlin, Stuttgart, 1903, σελ. 80, εικ. σχ. 3, αρ.κατ. 3 Casson, S., Brooke, D., Catalogue of the Acropolis Museum. Sculpture and Architectural Fragments, with a section upon the Terracottas, II, Cambridge, 1921, σελ. 388, αρ.κατ. 1451 Higgins, R.A., Greek Terracottas, London, 1967, σελ. 100, εικ. 41Ε Μπρούσκαρη, Μ., Μουσείον Ακροπόλεως. Περιγραφικός κατάλογος, Αθήνα, 1974, σελ. 123-124, εικ. 229 Vlassopoulou, Chr., «Les figurines de l' Acropole d' Athènes. La collection du Musée de l' Acropole», στο A. Pasquier, V.L. Aravantinos (επιμ.), Tanagra: Mythe et archéologie. Musée du Louvre, Paris, 15 septembre 2003 - 5 janvier 2004, Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, 5 février – 9 mai 2004, Paris, 2003, σελ. 162-163, αρ.κατ. 110