Fragmentarily preserved sheet that adorned a shield. The sheet is rectangular and bands ornamented with various motifs frame it. It bears three decorative panels arranged vertically. The first panel retains only parts of three figures’ legs and the second two naked men in combat. Within the last panel, there are three standing, bearded men, one of whom holds a spear. To the same sheet must have belonged a small fragment (ΕΑΜ Χ 6962 α) which preserves the hips of a male figure and is kept in the Museum storerooms.
Wolters, P., «Bronzereliefs von der Akropolis zu Athen», Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Athenische Abteilung 20, 1895, σελ. 478, εικ. 14.1, 14.3, αρ.κατ. 2-3 De Ridder, A., Bronzes Trouvés sur l' Acropole d'Athènes, Paris, 1896, σελ. 115-116, αρ.κατ. 349 Lamb, W., Greek and Roman Bronzes, London, 1929, σελ. 116-117, εικ. 3 Payne, H., Necrocorinthia: a study of Corinthian art in the Archaic period, Oxford, 1931, σελ. 45, αρ.κατ. 4 Kunze, E., Archaische Schildbänder: ein Beitrag zur frühgriechischen Bildgeschichte und Sagenüberlieferung, Olympische Forschungen 2, Berlin, 1950, σελ. 145, 147, 173, 218, 223, 240, 243 Marangou, L., Lakonische Elfenbein and Beinschnitzereien, Tübingen, 1969, σελ. 102 υποσημ. 564 Fuchs, W., Floren, J., Die griechische Plastik, I: Die geometrische und archaische Plastik, München, 1987, σελ. 307 υποσημ. 69 Touloupa, E., Early Bronze Sheets with figured scenes from the Acropolis, στο D. Buitron-Oliver, New Perspective in Early Greek Art, Studies in the History of Art 32, Washington, 1991, σελ. 264, εικ. 37-39 Despini, A., «A bronze Schildband from Sindos», στο Ν. Σταμπολίδης (επιμ.), Γενέθλιον, Αθήνα, 2006, σελ. 170 υποσημ. 37