Intact sauroter (spear-foot) of big dimensions with tubular socket and pointy end. On the exterior, within a square frame made of dots, inscribed is the letter A.
Sauroters were part of the weaponry used by hoplites. They capped the end opposite to the spearhead as a counterweight and could be used to stand the spear up. If the shaft was broken, then the sauroter could be used as a weapon in its own right. The wooden shaft of the spear would fit into the hollow of the sauroter socket, the aulos.
De Ridder, A., Bronzes Trouvés sur l' Acropole d'Athènes, Paris, 1896, σελ. 101, εικ. 65, αρ.κατ. 298 Lolling, H, Κατάλογος του εν Αθήναις Επιγραφικού Μουσείου, Αθήνα, 1899, σελ. 26, αρ.κατ. CXXI Baitinger, H., Die Augriffswaffen aus Olympia, Olympische Forschungen 29, Berlin, 2001, σελ. 67 υποσημ. 607